I am really not great at blogging- good thing it's not my job!!
So I have been trying really hard the last month or so... except for when I went to Mexico on a much needed vacation without the kids!
But before Mexico I was training with my good friend April to run the Mothers Day Run and Wlk here in Calgary- I probably didn't train as hard or efficiently as I should have but I still ran it- and I ran the whole way! I was so proud of myself because there were multiple times throughout the run that I thought "I'm just gonna walk for a bit--no Tanis, don't walk! Wait a little bit longer" and I kept waiting and then I saw the finish line and even though it was forever away I couldn't justify walking when I could see it- though at times my run was barely faster than the walkers beside me!!
But I finished and my time was 41:33- not too shabby for a first timer!
I'm the out of focus one in the corner- but look I'm smiling!! Ok, so I smiled any time I saw a camera so in case they took a picture I wouldn't look like I was dying!

So I went to visit Dr. Morgan again today and did another BIA test.
I'm actually proud to put this one up because I have made progress- no more stagnant results!
I have lost 3 pounds of fat!! See ya later FAT!!
fyi- on my scale I'm a lot prouder of myself since it reads that I weigh 168.8- I am back in the 160's!!! My goal for the month of June is to get to 167- I am so close you guys...
If I keep eating like I am and exercising like I am I know I can make it there and beat it... I just hope that when I go to New Orleans in a week (for a
Rett Syndrome Conference) I don't let myself go too much. I am going to try really hard!
Plus, April has somehow convinced me to run a 10k on July 8th, and then we signed up for the
Mud Hero run on July 22 and then I have signed up for the
Spartan Race on August 18- I am going to either be so fit or dead by the end of summer!!
Lets hope it's fit!!
Oh and BTW I can now run for 30 minutes at a speed of 4.9 on the treadmill for 30 minutes without dying! I'm alternating upping my speed and lengthening my time - I gotta say April has been a great motivator in helping me through the rough patches of this journey... thanks April!!